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Marketing Support | Email marketing | Marketing Design | Customer Service

Helping to slam-Dunk communications

First got Naked 2021

Helping Co-Dunkall back to solid ground

Co-Dunkall were looking to engage with their customer database following the COVID-19 pandemic. They had previously attempted email marketing using mailchimp with limited success, and wanted to try a new approach.

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co dunkall marketing

Putting control in the client's hands

Given our experience with email marketing, we saw a big opportunity to engage their customer database and drive traffic to the website.

The goal for us was to drive new enquiries for the business through a series of targeted branded email campaigns.

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Email Marketing

We worked closely with the Co-Dunkall team to at first design a fresh email template to catch the eye. We then helped to create a series of campaigns, copywriting, building and managing the sending of those.

In order to maximise the success of the email campaigns, we used A/B testing of subject lines to ensure the most effective message was used.

Open rate of 41% (21.3% above industry standard) | Click through rate of 7.52% (4.02% above industry standard) | Revenue of £16,000 from a spend of less than £1,000