Inspiration a-plenty

Inspiration a-plenty
Inspiration a-plenty

On Saturday three of our designers took the rattler down to London to enjoy an action packed day of design exhibitions at the Design Museum near Tower Bridge.

David, Dan and Jodie enjoyed two different exhibitions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

The morning’s exhibition Like Me: Our Bond With Brands was a display examining the power of the bond between people and brands. It was curated by Lippincott – the creative consultancy behind the Coca Cola ribbon, the Campbell’s soup label and the latest Starbucks siren.

It was an interactive exhibition exploring Starbucks, The Hunger Games, and everything in between, all the time posing questions and giving the guys plenty to think about for future branding projects.

The afternoon’s exhibition Designs of the year 2015 was a celebration of design that promotes or delivers change, enables access, extends design practice or captures the spirit of the year.

The quality of the design and innovation on show was exceptional and David and Dan picked out their favourite designs from the exhibition.

David: “My favourite design was the BMW i8 visually it was the stand out piece of the exhibition, stunning design, coupled with unbelievably clever functionality.”

Dan, on the other hand opted for Project Daniel (we think he just liked the fact it was the same as his name). In all seriousness though it was fantastic project that allowed the 3-D printing of prosthetic limbs.

You can see more about Project Daniel in this video

Overall a great day out, and lots of inspiration for the future.
